Fundamentals of Computer Network Security Specialization

Professional Certificate - 8 course series

This specialization in intended for IT professionals, computer programmers, managers, IT security professionals who like to move up ladder, who are seeking to develop network system security skills. Through four courses, we will cover the Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems, Develop Secure Programs with Basic Cryptography and Crypto API, Hacking and Patching Web Applications, Perform Penetration Testing, and Secure Networked Systems with Firewall and IDS, which will prepare you to perform tasks as Cyber Security Engineer, IT Security Analyst, and Cyber Security Analyst. The learning outcomes of this specialization include: you should be able to create public/private keys, certificate requests, install/sign/verify them for web server and client authentication, secure emails, and code signing. you should be able to write secure web apps with Crypto API to implement the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability basic security services. you should be able to hack web applications with vulnerabilities and patch them. you should be able to apply penetration testing tool to exploit vulnerable systems. you should be able to crack passwords given the hashes in password file using AWS P2 GPU. you should be able to configure firewall and IDS for secure network systems

Applied Learning Project With the learner's cloned instance from my AWS image, our Project 1a-d integrate the security principles and knowledge covered in first MOOC and apply them in real world tasks using state of art tools, such as gpg for signing and verifying documents/open source software packages, misc/CA scripts for performing CA certificate signing tasks, generate server/client certificates, and setup on apache web server for secure web access with mutual authentication.

Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere


Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions


Prepare Data for Exploration


Process Data from Dirty to Clean


Analyze Data to Answer Questions


Share Data Through the Art of Visualization


Data Analysis with R Programming


Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study
